Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann

Thirteen year old Alex is declared an "Unwanted" while his twin Aaron is declared a "Wanted" in the land called Quill. Alex is taken away to the area where death awaits, but unknown to everyone is a magical kingdom called Artime where the Unwanteds go. The Unwanteds get to unleash their creativity and enjoy life, but Alex still wishes his twin could be with him. The Wanted society is drab and any individualism is discouraged. Alex does the unspeakable and reveals Artime to his brother which unleashes the ultimate magical battle. This is for middle grade readers and involves non-stop action, magic and secrets. I couldn't stop reading.  Ann

Friday, November 18, 2011

Ahh, teen romance...fantasy and mystery

My compliments to a couple of Catherine Gilbert Murdock's, Princess Ben and the connecting "thrilling, romantic adventure, incorporating magic, villainy and a cat, Wisdom's Kiss for grins and guffaws.  You are caught up with the intrigue and clever disquises, not to mention the imaginative names like, the Baronet of Savory and the Phraugheloch Palace. This is a great duet for 12 and up, nothing but fun and following the maze like story told from several voices.  5 stars from Alin

Legend by Marie Lu

This comes out at the end of this month but I think it will be a blockbuster!  It's about two 15 year olds who are raised in opposite spectrums of the social and political arena, and are pitted against each other through lies, sinister circumstances and treachery. Day is an evasive outlaw fighting against the Republic and June is an elite military leader, part of the Republic's top echelon. June's brother is killed, Day is held responsible and the chase begins. This is a page turner which will cause you to lose sleep because you won't want to shut the book until the end!  Ann

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Welcome to The Yellow Book Blog!

Here at the bookstore, we read CONSTANTLY! Why? Well, first of all, we really love children's books. I mean, who doesn't? But more importantly, we want to stay up to date with what is on the shelves right now, so we can share that knowledge with our customers.

And boy, do we have some experts on our staff! Ann, owner extraordinaire and former librarian, reads just about everything. Alin has been with the bookstore for twelve years and is a walking encyclopedia of Children's titles. Janine is a preschool teacher with years of experience! Anne (or, Ann with an "E" as we call her), works with teens in the foster system, and is our resident Young Adult expert! Vicky is a former teacher who knows the book business like the back of her hand. Caitlin is currently getting her Masters in Children's Literature, and she is just crazy for picture books! And Joyce is a talented librarian with a heart for story-telling!

So stay tuned for reviews & ramblings on what we have been reading here at the Yellow Book Road!