Saturday, July 7, 2012

Book fo Blood and Shadow by Robin Wasserman

Nora's happy life is shattered by a nightmarish evening that leaves one friend in a catatonic state, another dead and her boyfriend accused of murder. Nora resolves to prove her boyfriend's innocence and follows a violent trail to Prague, where she discovers a mysterious manuscript that purportedly offers the secret to ultimate knowledge and the ability to communicate with the divine and thus control the world. This story reminds me of the Da Vinci Code with ancient manuscripts, mysterious robed men, murder and cyphers and is an excellent adventure with a detailed plot of twists and turns.

Starters by Lissa Price (Random House)

The world has been devasted by a war and only the young and the old were immune to the biological toxins. Callie, her sickly brother, and another boy try stay alive in spite of bad conditions. Callie is desperate to help her ailing brother and so she goes to Prime Destinations. Here teens rent their bodies to the elderly, who want to be young again, for a huge pay-off. Maybe she can earn the money to help her brother. A contract is signed and the body is returned to the young person after a time. Callie discovers her renter plans to do more than party--her renter wants to commit murder through the use of her young body. The girl also discovers what Prime Destinations is beginning to do which will endanger the lives of all young people. This science fiction action adventure read will take many twists and turns before evil is defeated--or is it? This will be a two-part series and I'm already anxiously awaiting the conclusion!