Saturday, July 27, 2013

"The Beginning of Everything" by Robyn Schneider a Review by Taya

"The Beginning of Everything
4.02 of 5 stars 4.02    
Golden boy Ezra Faulkner believes everyone has a tragedy waiting for them—a single encounter after which everything that really matters will happen. His particular tragedy waited until he was primed to lose it all: in one spectacular night, a reckless driver shatters Ezra’s knee, his athletic career, and his social life.

No longer a front-runner for Homecoming King, Ezra finds himself at the table of misfits, where he encounters new girl Cassidy Thorpe. Cassidy is unlike anyone Ezra’s ever met, achingly effortless, fiercely intelligent, and determined to bring Ezra along on her endless adventures.

But as Ezra dives into his new studies, new friendships, and new love, he learns that some people, like books, are easy to misread. And now he must consider: if one’s singular tragedy has already hit and everything after it has mattered quite a bit, what happens when more misfortune strikes?

Robyn Schneider’s The Beginning of Everything is a lyrical, witty, and heart-wrenching novel about how difficult it is to play the part that people expect, and how new beginnings can stem from abrupt and tragic endings."
I loved this book. It was very relatable and the characters reminded me a lot of some of my friends. Each chapter had it's own reality to it, which helped in it's relatability. I am not usually someone to like sappy love stories, at least not when it comes to reading, but each sentence was so well written and placed that you didn't feel like it was unrealistic as in most sappy books. It was a book that made me have emotions towards the characters, it made laugh and tear up, and to me that is the test of a good book, is if it can make you feel, or bring memories to the surface that were once long forgotten. This book is definitely a keeper and I know I will probably read it more that once.
Review by Taya, YBRTeen Book Club Member

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